Wednesday, October 05, 2005


yeah, don't worry, I try to keep walking and breathing, at the same time, to a minimum... and also I never chew gum and write at the same time; however, I am multitasking right now, because I'm thinking and writing at the same time.

I'm AT WORK!!! This morning, my alarm went off at 8:00, and then Devin dragged me to breakfast, 'cos I never know I'm hungry in the morning, until I actually see and smell the food. This is obviously not a problem any other time of the day, because right now writing about food, I'm dreaming about dinner. Aaahhh......

N E way, (I don't mean north-east) the whole group of us: Devin, Bryn, Ashley, Becky, Lindsey, Luke, Danny, Lee, & other random people all went swimming in the lovely pool in the fieldhouse. It has a diving board and is 11 ft. deep on that end. They also have the starting board/platformy thingys at the beginnings of the lanes. I do cannonballs (and the occasional strange dive) off of the diving board, meanwhile others dive and flip and leap and BellYfLoP off of it. Lots of 'water burn'. Now that's a damn oxymoron if I ever wrote one (water-burn). Sorry for the tasteless French.

Did you get my meaning? Well, there's always tomorrow.

In other news, when asked about Roe v. Wade, the President replied, "Just get outta N'Orleans however you can!".

Oh, yes, thanks Rosie, for reminding me of my second fall. I was walking to breakfast with Devin this morning, and in a particularly suave moment, I strolled into the stairs. Well, I was on the way up them, when I tripped, and proceeded to continue tripping as my amazonian feet hit each successive step in front. Who knew they were terraced?!!!

So, that's news for today. One of our RAs is putting on a fashion show tomorrow night, for people to enter. This makes sense, considering he actually knows how to destroy jeans!!! * So I'm getting out of work early to go to that. It should be a lot of fun, 'cos he's nice and is giving out prizes to the contestants. Forty dollar gift certificate to store of choice for first prize!!! I say, Crikey!!! I'm not entering, only watching. Yes, the Ra's gay, but you see, I'm taking the approach of the sociologist and instead of saying "Oh, yah, our Gay RA s puttin on a fashion show y'know. Ain't that just weird, y'know." I'm saying "our RA...". This illustrates the fact that putting people into categories creates a self-fulfilling prophecy by which no one benefits and nothing changes. I hope you don't feel like I'm preaching... 'cos I am. I had trouble with one line of text eating the other, so I couldn't write the quote properly. Ugh.

Innyhoo! Hope you all are well!!! It's supposed to get crazy cold this week, so get out yer snowmerbiles, hey.



*(For those of us like myself who have jeans destroyed by life, 'destroying' means having tastefully worn parts and little holes, maybe a frayed edge here and a frayed edge there. This works especially well for those of us who live in Orange County, California and have nothing better to do than have a reality show called Laguna Beach. Incidentally, there is such a show, and it is completely useless. BUT they can wear their pre-destroyed jeans with pride knowing that tomorrow they can go buy a few more pairs and heaven forbid that they be *gasp* un-destroyed.. !! That's all. Adieu fer hoyta.


Blogger Red Green said...

Lucky for that library job or we would never see anything else go into this blog. I'm not complaining, mind you. Carry on....

4:46 PM  
Blogger umlikedude said...

yah, I know! I'm working the night shift, how etsoiting. well, 'til eight, the fashion show, y'know.


4:56 PM  

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