Sunday, April 01, 2007

Aaargh. 'Tis a new post.

This is me. I was talking on my phone.

This font color is similar to my eyes here. Yikes.

Anyway... here are a couple photographs...

THis here's Rosie. she was on her phone.

This is not a theme.

So the other day I was going around my town of residence taking random pictures. It is 1:30 am right now so given the time and the speed (or lack thereof) of the connection, I might only add a couple of said pictures.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

heh heh heh hu h.... oh boy! well it has been far too long. i'm at my father's abode. rosie, peggy, dad and i are belatedly celebrating los cumpleanos de nosotros (our birthdays). well i have to go and eat spaghetti :] BTW (by the way) i am in school and working - rosie and i have an apartment... i have a new camera... adios!

Thursday, June 15, 2006


Well, it's rather fitting that I began this last June, and now it's... June... again. Well, I finished my semester. I'm currently at home for the summer. Today I have been researching the rumors that Timm's Hill is home to at least some hauntings, if not some secret graves... certainly would explain some of the feeling of the place:) Along with its beauty, it gives me a feeling that I wouldn't want to walk around alone at night. (But this is coming from the most professed ScaredOfTheDark-er you'll ever meet...) SO, I shall try and add more often... But the blog of my Pa is ever-entertaining! So long for now!


Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Well... Here it is again, ridiculously later:( I am - YOU GUESSED IT - at work.

News bulletins:

*Bryn's finals are next week

* Bryn is picking up extra work hours

* Bryn has monologues and scenes to memorize in acting class

*Bryn doesn't know what all is going on during the holidays except some work would be nice, some caroling and camaraderie would be excellent, overgifting is not necessary, and some serious sleep would be just wonderful.

~ In other news, the floors on the dorm are competing for a pizza party. Our room has a little Christmas tree (fake, but pretty) and extra lights. I was up 'til 2 this morning with papers and such. To placate the family interrogators, I am currently 'seeing' (I hate terminology) a fellow student (and singer/actor/political comrade) and it's going great. His name is Ian.
Schools were cancelled today because of the crappy weather; with which I am thoroughly pleased. ha aha ha ha . I love it. Actually I can't wait to go skiing, but I could do that in Siberia.

Anyway, that's all I know right now. I will add more as my life de-hecticates itself.

Laters, B

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

My Apologies!

Hey-lo, everbuddy. I would like everyone viewing this to know that this font is called font. I think it is wonderful when something automated like blogspot puts a definitive statement like this out there.

In other news, I have been neglecting my blog. This is sad on so many levels that I can't express it in blognese.

I am at work, as usual. I had chili for lunch, along with a beef pot-pie, and carrots. In choir today, everyone was laughing and I think we bothered the Prof. somewhat. But she is relatively easy going and so she doesn't really care all that much.

I am in line to acquire a CAR in the near future... (THANK YOU FOR YOUR EFFORTS, OH YOU TWO WHO ARE "at fault"!!!!)

I signed up for my classes next semester... I am continuing with choir, and 4th Sem. Spanish. I am adding to that list Writing in the News (Journalism?), and Terrorism ( a study of, not a how-to).

So that's all I have for now. I'm going ice-skating tonight with people from the dorm. Yay. (No, seriously)


Sunday, October 30, 2005


For reasons of relatives... The play should be at 7:30... I will letcha know if anything changes. Alrighty? Alrighty.



Wednesday, October 26, 2005

When standing...

A word (or two) of warning... when bending over to pick up something underneath a lofted bed, DON't STAND UP. It's painful in the head.

In other news, the UWMC's play is this weekend (28th, etc.) and the following weekend. Tickets are available through the UWMC box office and probably at the door. The play is Arthur Miller's All My Sons. Arthur Miller also wrote Death of a Salesman. It's a drama, I guess, about an embarrassing/shameful/forgotten episode in the life of a family after WWII.

Due to some health problems and/or stress, a cast member has dropped out, and I have replaced her. I have a medium/small part. I have had the script since three o'clock on Monday afternoon and we open on Friday. I'm really excited, but overwhelmed. ANYWAY, people should come and see it whether I'm in it or not! It's actually pretty good, and it pertains to the issues of the war, somewhat.

Also, I had a Spanish test this morning. En este examen, tuve que llena espacios y escribe palabras, y mi cabeza tiene doler, ahora. (In the test, I had to fill in spaces and write words, and now my head hurts.) Anyway, with all this, and the fact that I'll be 'stuck' in Wausau with the play for the next two weekends, and the rehearsals last until 10:00 pm, I'm very tired and stressed. But, it will be alright in the end:)

I'm planning on 'celebrating' Halloween in my dorm room, while sleeping desperately. Maybe it's good to be here this weekend, I'll sleep...

That's all for now. Es todo por ahora.
If you have any questions, Si tiene preguntas,
I'm around. estoy por aqui.
